Bahamas Sharpnose Pufferfish

Snorkeling Nassau affords you the rare opportunity to take a firsthand look at the world under the sea. The colors as well as the numerous species and organisms that you'll see far outnumber the experience you can have observing wildlife anywhere else in the world. Adding to that extraordinary scene is the unique sharpnose pufferfish.

A tropical fish, the sharpnose pufferfish is most often found perusing the shallow waters of the Caribbean. Its favorite locale seems to be amidst the coral reef, particularly in the back reef, flat reef section, and the front reef. While it is most often found in the reef zone, the sharpnose pufferfish may also be seen inhabiting the deep seagrass beds. In any locale, the sharpnose pufferfish is typically found at depths ranging from 1 to 40 meters.

A unique underwater organism, the sharpnose pufferfish is fairly easy to depict. The body shape is typically described as somewhat small and football-shaped. The sharp pointed snout and prominent tail are truly what give away this fish's identity. Seen in a variety of colors, the sharpnose pufferfish is generally light yellow to white at the sides and frequently has white or bright blue spots. The fins are a common defining factor of this fish, as they feature dark, broad boarders unlike other pufferfish.

While not an edible fish, the sharpnose pufferfish is often treasured as a unique aquarium fish. Nonetheless, observing them in their natural habitat is more rewarding than anything.

To help protect the pufferfish as well as all the other unique underwater organisms, abiding by a few snorkeling best practices is a must. While snorkeling Nassau, never feed the marine wildlife. This practice disturbs the natural feeding patterns of organisms and can be particularly harmful. In contrast, though, approaching the sharpnose pufferfish is fairly safe. To have the best experience, be sure to move slowly and practice regular breathing techniques. Being considerate of the environment, you are sure to get to see a variety of animals and have the best experience possible.