Bahamas Scrawled Cowfish

If you are planning to take a snorkeling Nassau Bahamas adventure, you will have the opportunity to see many beautiful features beneath the Caribbean Sea. In addition to a variety of aquatic plant life, you will also be treated to the sight of some of the most unique and beautiful sea creatures. The scrawled cowfish, in particular, is one of the most distinguishable types of fish you are likely to see.

Scrawled Cowfish Characteristics

This type of boxfish is known for its oval-shaped body and gets its name from its prominent cow-like horns above the eyes. The types of scrawled cowfish typically found in the Caribbean Sea feature colorful lines and intricate patterns on the body as a way to provide adequate camouflage. Shades of blue, yellow and green are often found on the bodies of these fish. Scrawled cowfish can grow up to 18 inches in length.


Scrawled cowfish are known for their calm behavior. They typically swim slowly through the water and only usually swim quickly if they are being pursued by a predator. They may also release a toxin if they feel they are in danger.

The scrawled cowfish is one of the Caribbean Sea's most intriguing inhabitants and is one of the most charming aquatic species you will likely see while snorkeling Nassau Bahamas.